
Original concept and illustration of the first release of AOL’s famous emoticons.

  • Concept
  • Illustration
  • Versioning
Concepting and Illustration of AOL Emoticons

Utilizing the KISS method of design, we employed simplicity, and made sure the AOL Emoticons would be relatable and easily recognizable. Limited to a small number of colors per image, and a small pixel footprint, we had our work cut out for us. We took our inspiration from street graffiti and existing smiley norms — at the time, the often seen yellow smiley faces were also popping up in public urban areas.  The yellow smiley emoticons were born!

Once the emoticons became a success, we were once more hired to build out theme versions of them — shapes, animals, etc. This opportunity allowed for more colors, and the emoticons were able to convey a bit more dimension and shading. Yes, we were dreaming in pixels!

  • ClientAol.
  • IndustryTechnology Service Provider
  • ServicesConcept, Illustration, Art Direction

For the Love of Design

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